Citizen Complaint

It is the intent of the RVC Police Department to provide the highest quality law enforcement services.

Filing a Citizen Complaint

It is the policy of the Rock Valley College Police Department to promptly investigate allegations of wrongdoing by department members and to take appropriate action as to discipline, policy change, or exoneration. Generally, a complaint originates when someone is dissatisfied with our performance. The complaint may help the department recognize and ultimately rectify a deficiency.

File a Complaint

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Frequently Asked Questions

A complaint may be initiated in person, by telephone, in writing, or by email as indicated on this webpage.

Yes. However, a parent, legal guardian, or a responsible adult should be present with you.

No. However, anonymous complaints can be very difficult to investigate and thus the conclusion might not be what is expected. Also, if the investigation results in criminal action against an officer, you would be needed for successful prosecution.

Yes, the officer will be advised of the allegations made against them. If the complainant has identified themselves, the identity of the person making the allegation will be provided to the officer.

No. It is essential that public confidence be maintained which enhances the ability of the department to investigate and properly adjudicate complaints against its members.

The Chief of Police is responsible for the administration of these investigations. In most cases, a police supervisor conducts the actual investigative work. However, the Department may also utilize other resources to investigate more serious allegations of misconduct against an employee.

If the investigation determines misconduct has occurred, the officer will be disciplined according to the severity of the rules violation. Disciplinary actions range from an oral reprimand to suspension, or in extreme cases, termination. If the allegation is criminal in nature, the case will be presented for criminal prosecution. Other appropriate remedies include policy change and retraining.

Minor complaints are often handled quickly. As a general rule, the investigation of a serious allegation should be concluded within sixty days unless circumstances necessitate additional time.

Once the investigation has been concluded, the Chief of Police or the supervisor assigned to complete the investigation will inform you of the results.

You may contact the Chief of Police to discuss the matter. In the case of possible criminal violations, you may contact the Office of the Vice President of Operations for Rock Valley College.

If you believe the complaint to be valid and the officer is ultimately exonerated, the case will be ended. However, if it is determined that the complaint was false and malicious, you may be subject to criminal charges and/or a civil suit by the accused department member.