Rock Valley College News
News Listing
Weather Alert For Thursday, December 22, 2022
As a safety precaution and due to the potential severe snow storm, Rock Valley College (RVC) will implement a remote work day for Thursday, 12/22/2022.
RVC Foundation to Participate in 11th Annual Community Scholarship Fair
Along with the Rockford Public Library (RPL) and the Community Foundation of Northern Illinois (CFNIL), the Rock Valley College Foundation (RVCF) is excited to welcome back the 11th Annual Community Scholarship Fair will return in-person after a two-year hiatus.
RVC Chemistry Students Celebrate Mole Day
Mole Day is officially recognized on Sunday, October 23. At first, you might think it’s a celebration for a furry mammal with a subterranean lifestyle. Instead, it’s the name given to the quantity 6.022 x 1023 in the chemistry world. Italian Scientist Amedeo Avogadro is most credited (albeit incorrectly) with the definition of the mole.
Starlight Earns Five Lou Awards For Excellence In Theatre
Congratulations to Rock Valley College Starlight Theatre for receiving five Lou Awards for excellence in theatre. The Lou Awards celebrate community and college theatre in the north and northwest suburbs of Chicago. Starlight was nominated for a total of 25 awards in nine categories.
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