Kyle's Rock Valley College News

Resumes That Get The Job

According to, a hiring manager may spend, on average, six to seven seconds looking at a resume. Therefore, it is crucial that you create an attention-grabbing resume. Your resume is a snapshot of your most significant qualifications and a way to convince employers that you deserve an interview. RVC’s Career Services team has put together some tips to help you craft the resume you need to get the job.

Removing Barriers To Success At RVC Through The Workforce Equity Initiative Grant

“The Workforce Equity Initiative (WEI) grant allows community colleges to continue removing barriers to completing a credential for adults of poverty and African Americans from distressed communities,” said RVC President Dr. Howard J. Spearman. “When adults earn credentials that lead to jobs offering higher wages, it not only changes the trajectory of their lives but also the lives of their families; while strengthening the community, growing the workforce, expanding businesses, and creating a more vibrant regional economy.”

RVC Foundation to Participate in 11th Annual Community Scholarship Fair

Along with the Rockford Public Library (RPL) and the Community Foundation of Northern Illinois (CFNIL), the Rock Valley College Foundation (RVCF) is excited to welcome back the 11th Annual Community Scholarship Fair will return in-person after a two-year hiatus.

Undecided Student Finds Calling at RVC

Like many students, Omar Ramirez, class of 2021, enrolled at RVC with an undecided major, not quite certain of his career path. At first, he thought, maybe something in health care would be a good fit. Well, after taking a number of science courses, he decided that was not the answer.

RVC Chemistry Students Celebrate Mole Day

Mole Day is officially recognized on Sunday, October 23. At first, you might think it’s a celebration for a furry mammal with a subterranean lifestyle. Instead, it’s the name given to the quantity 6.022 x 1023 in the chemistry world. Italian Scientist Amedeo Avogadro is most credited (albeit incorrectly) with the definition of the mole.

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