RVC News

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RVC Professor Awarded Grant to Preserve Rockford Education Desegregation Stories

Dr. Mathew Oakes has been awarded a National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Grant for a two-year oral history, archival, and instructional project on the legal and community history of desegregation and education in Rockford. The $60,000 grant will fund his project, “Chronicles of Change: Archiving Stories of Desegregation in Rockford Public Schools, 1989-2002.”

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RVC Partnership Wins State Recognition

Each year, the Illinois Community College Trustee Association (ICCTA) recognizes an Illinois business that has built successful workforce-training alliances with their local community college. This year, Bourne & Koch received the 2024 Business/Industry Partnership Award for their collaboration with Rock Valley College, selected from 11 nominations.

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