Early College
Early College offers opportunities for students to prepare for and get a head start on college courses. Students have the opportunity to earn college credits and begin their career pathway while still attending high school.
How to Get Started
- Meet with your high school counselor to discuss your eligibility and determine what program is best for you. Learn more about the programs offered at RVC and your high school below.
- Apply to Rock Valley College prior to testing. When applying, select "Current High School Student" and "Early College" as your student status. Additional "getting started" steps may be required depending on the program. Please review the requirements below.
- Connect with Early College staff with any questions.
Contact Us
- Early College
- (815) 921-4080
- (815) 921-4089
- RVC-EC@RockValleyCollege.edu
- RVC Main Campus
CLII, Room 153 - Monday-Friday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Programs at RVC
Take classes at Rock Valley College – and earn college credits – while still attending high school.
Programs at Your School
Get a head start on your college education by earning credits for your current classwork.

Dual Credit & Dual Enrollment
Dual Credit students take courses on one of the RVC campuses and earn both high school and college credit for these courses. Dual enrollment students complete courses at Rock Valley College for college credit only. Courses taken for credit are part of the student’s permanent/official college transcript. Courses are taught by RVC faculty members.

Running Start
Running Start is a program that allows select, qualified, academically-motivated students enrolled in participating high schools an opportunity to earn both their high school diploma and associate's degree concurrently by attending Rock Valley College full-time during their junior and/or senior years of high school!

Senior Semester
Attend RVC full-time in the last semester of senior year to earn dual credit toward completing a high school diploma while beginning an Associate’s degree.

Dual Credit at High School
Students receive both high school and college credit for RVC-approved high school courses. These courses have specific qualifying criteria. Courses are offered at the high school.
To get started, contact your high school counselor to discuss eligibility.

Articulated Credit
Articulated courses offered at your high school provide an opportunity for students to earn retroactive college credit for courses taught at the high school if students complete subsequent credit bearing coursework at Rock Valley College. Examples of articulated courses include: Introduction to Business, Introduction to Early Childhood Education, Medical Terminology, and Introduction to Computers & Information Systems.
Student A takes Introduction to Graphic Arts (GAT 101) at their high school during their sophomore year of high school. This course is taught at their high school, by a high school instructor. The student completes the course with a “B” and they earn high school credit. During their senior year of high school, Student A takes Fundamentals of Desktop Publishing (GAT 178) at their high school. This course is taught at their high school, by a qualified Dual Credit Instructor. After successfully completing this course with a “B”, the student earns high school and college credit for Fundamentals of Desktop Publishing (GAT 178). The student also earns retroactive college credit for the Introduction to Graphic Arts (GAT 101) course they took during their sophomore year as an articulated credit course.
Student B takes Introduction to Criminal Justice(CRM 101) at their high school during their senior year of high school. This course is taught at their high school, by a high school instructor. The student completes the course with an “A” and they earn high school credit. During their first year of coursework at Rock Valley College, Student B takes Criminal Investigation (CRM 120). After successfully completing this course with a “B”, the student also earns retroactive college credit for Introduction to Criminal Justice (CRM 101).

Transitional Courses
Transitional courses are high school Math and English courses that guarantee college-level placement upon successful completion. These classes help students avoid remedial education and ensure their college success, and placement is recognized by all Illinois community colleges as an alternative to placement testing.
To get started, contact your high school counselor to discuss eligibility.

Home-School Students
Home-schooled students are eligible to take college courses for dual enrollment, not dual credit. Courses are offered at RVC locations. Students may earn both high school and college credit for college-level courses successfully completed. RVC tuition charges apply; families are responsible for tuition, fees, books, supplies, and transportation.
To get started, first apply to Rock Valley College. Then, connect with RVC Early College staff to submit transcripts, complete placement testing, and complete any required paperwork.

Sparking interest in the world of automation and fabrication, these one-week, non-credit summer camps allows middle school students to explore the career areas of Welding, Robotics, and CNC Machining. In addition, participants will also learn about principles of entrepreneurship and how that relates to CTE careers.
What's after graduation?
After graduating high school, we hope you consider attending Rock Valley College to further your education. If you decide to continue at RVC, you will need to reapply. Learn more by reviewing the Getting Started steps for new students.