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Triumph Over Adversity: Matthew Cummings' Remarkable Story at RVC

Matthew Cummings has faced numerous challenges throughout his life, including being born with cerebral palsy and deafness. Despite these obstacles, Matthew has shown incredible resilience and determination.

Kervin Thomas's Journey From Starting Over to Gaining Success at RVC

Kervin Thomas's journey to the United States from Grenada was marked by challenges, but his determination to start over led him to RVC where he found a path to his dreams.

Sarah Hinde: Overcoming Obstacles and Inspiring Others

Born with disabilities, Sarah Hinde faced numerous challenges throughout her academic career, but she never let these obstacles define her. Instead, she used them as motivation to achieve her goals and inspire others.

RVC Announces Spring 2024 President's and Dean's Lists

RVC Announces President's and Dean's Lists

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