
Weather Alert For Thursday, December 22, 2022

As a safety precaution and due to the potential severe snow storm, Rock Valley College (RVC) will implement a remote work day for Thursday 12/22/2022. Students and visitors will be able to access RVC resources and speak with employees via the telephone, email, or virtual meeting platform. All buildings will be secure and only authorized employees will be granted access, no students or visitors, will be allowed to gain access to any RVC buildings. On Friday 12/23/2022, the college will close for the Holiday season and open again to the public on Tuesday January 3, 2023. Rock Valley College wants to wish all our community members a safe and happy holiday season and we look forward to seeing everyone next year.

Students who need immediate support on Thursday, 12/22/2022, may contact the following departments:

Admissions: 815-921-4250

Records and Registration: 815-921-4250

Academic Advising: 815-921-4100

Financial Aid: 815-921-4150
