
Undecided Student Finds Calling at RVC

Like many students, Omar Ramirez, class of 2021, enrolled at RVC with an undecided major, not quite certain of his career path. At first, he thought, maybe something in health care would be a good fit. Well, after taking a number of science courses, he decided that was not the answer.

After working as a student worker for three years, Omar began to recognize that he had a growing passion for student success. After holding several positions within the Student Affairs Division, today Omar finds fulfillment in helping other students get started at RVC as one of RVC’s Coordinators of New Student Enrollment in the Admissions department.

“Omar has been an excellent addition to the RVC Enrollment Team! Being an alumnus, Omar is able to share his Rock Valley College story and experiences, which encourages students to continue with their Rock Valley Journey,” said Casey Hauser, Manager of New Student Enrollment at RVC.

The personal experience that Omar brings into his role is invaluable when assisting new students in the enrollment process.

“Students need someone who believes in them to find their place in the community, which I find very fulfilling every day at work,” said Omar.

Omar has certainly found his place in the RVC community. He began his work in Student Affairs as a student worker in the Records and Registration department and was later offered a temporary position. That experience and commitment to the college opened the door to his current role.

Most would agree -- it’s not every day that students move up so quickly.

“My former supervisor, Christine Lott, instilled the value of teamwork and consistency. She believed in me since day one to do great things at RVC,” said Omar. “Her support and belief in me have made the transition less daunting, and it has given me the confidence to grow and apply my skills in a full-time position.”

“Omar has been a great addition to the RVC community. He’s demonstrated a strong work ethic and passion for helping students navigate their college journey. Omar is the first to step up to help any department in need, and he’s always got a smile on his face,” explained David Schneider RVC’s Dean of Enrollment Services.

While he may have started his RVC journey as an undecided student, his path has been a winding one that has led him back to the beginning – the RVC Student Center. Now, he is able to pay it forward and help future students chart their own paths at RVC.

According to Omar, attending RVC allows students to experiment and explore different subjects and careers. The pressure of curiosity weighs much less at RVC than at a four-year institution. Students, like Omar, don’t have to have all of the answers when they start. The important thing, to Omar, is that he and so many others at RVC are willing to help students find their own direction.

He does this by creating a connection with every student he meets. “I want students to leave with optimism and drive after each appointment, knowing they believe in their success. And, so do we.”

As a college, we believe in Omar’s successes as well.

Casey added, “Omar has a bright personality and always keeps everyone around him laughing. We are lucky to have Omar on our team and can’t wait to continue to watch him grow professionally at Rock Valley!”
