
RVC's Phi Theta Kappa Honored At State Convention

Representatives of Omicron Eta, Rock Valley College's Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) chapter, attended the Phi Theta Kappa Illinois Regional Convention and Honors Institute in Quincy, IL from June 3-5, 2022. In addition to leadership development training, they attended the annual Regional Hallmark Awards Ceremony where they received the following awards:

Honors in Action Project Award for their examination of the legacy of chemical pollution.

A College Project Award for their work to promote engagement on campus.

Distinguished Chapter Award, a recognition that they are one of the top chapters in Illinois.

Five Star Chapter, the highest level of achievement a chapter can attain through its participation in campus, local, regional, national, and international activities.

PTK President, Kimberly Nicolosi, received an Outstanding Officer Award.

PTK Recording Officer, Meghan Lifsey, won a Hall of Honor Officer Award.

Lastly, the chapter received a Distinguished Officer Team Award. 

Tim Spielman, who will celebrate 20 years as the PTK advisor this fall, said, “The regional recognition indicates that our chapter is one of the best in the state. It says that we do an excellent job of reflecting Phi Theta Kappa's guiding Hallmarks (Scholarship, Leadership, Service, and Fellowship). The Honors in Action Project requires chapters to conduct research and then implement an "action" component based on that research, which allows us to engage in community service and leadership on campus.”

These awards are not a first for RVC. At the International Convention in April, the chapter won an award for the College Project, highlighting their commitment to community/college service and leadership. To be a successful chapter, PTK needs to have excellent student leaders.

“Our two officer award winners, Kimberly Nicolosi (last year's president) and Meghan Elizabeth Lifsey (last year's recording officer) are both outstanding students academically, who demonstrated great leadership qualities as we worked on our projects,” explained Tim. “In addition to those two, we had other outstanding officers. They worked very well together as a team to create stellar projects, which is why they received an Outstanding Officer Team award.”

These student leaders were elected to their positions in May 2021, and Tim proudly said it was a pleasure to watch them become a team last summer so they could effectively lead the entire membership during the 2021-2022 academic year. Other officers included: Hannah Lineman, Vice President of Leadership; Kaycia Zimmerman, Vice President of Service; Lucy Njaramba, Vice President of Fellowship; and Audrey Ryan, Treasurer.

Tim proudly said, “What these awards reflect is that Rock Valley College has excellent students who are willing to get engaged on campus and in the community, and they showcase how getting involved in student organizations on campus can allow students learn real-world skills while having fun and making connections with others.”  


About Phi Theta Kappa

Organized in 1918 by two-year college presidents to recognize excellence at community colleges, Phi Theta Kappa is one of the oldest honor societies in the world. Today there are around 1,300 chapters in the society. Omicron Eta was chartered at Rock Valley College on April 28, 1966 just two years after the college’s founding.
