Phi Theta Kappa Honored At International Convention

Rock Valley College's Phi Theta Kappa chapter won a Distinguished College Project Award and was recognized as one of the Top 100 Chapters in the world at Catalyst 2022, the Phi Theta Kappa International Convention, which was held outside Denver, Colorado from April 7-9.  Their College Project involved promoting and supporting student engagement at RVC.  The recognition as a top chapter was determined by averaging the scores of both the College Project and their Honors in Action Project that examined how chemical pollution impacts future generations.  

In addition, a central part of the convention was a Scholar Bowl tournament.  One of RVC's representatives, Kimberly Nicolosi, participated on the team that won the Scholar Bowl championship. All members of the winning team won a $100 scholarship.  

Phi Theta Kappa's 2021-2022 officers are Kimberly Nicolosi, President; Hannah Lineman, Vice President of Leadership; Kaycia Zimmerman, Vice President of Service; Lucy Njaramba, Vice President of Fellowship; Audrey Ryan, Treasurer; and Meghan Elizabeth Lifsey, Recording Officer.  Two chapter members, Lillian Kennedy and Olivia Gipson, were particularly integral to the chapter's success. RVC Phi Theta Kappa's advisor is Tim Spielman.  

Founded in 1918, Phi Theta Kappa is the official honor society of two-year colleges.  Today there are nearly 1,300 chapters around the world. 
