RVC News

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RVC Professor Awarded Grant to Preserve Rockford Education Desegregation Stories

Dr. Mathew Oakes has been awarded a National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Grant for a two-year oral history, archival, and instructional project on the legal and community history of desegregation and education in Rockford. The $60,000 grant will fund his project, “Chronicles of Change: Archiving Stories of Desegregation in Rockford Public Schools, 1989-2002.”

Most Recent News

2023 GED Grad Seeks Self Improvement

Receiving her GED hasn't hit Grace Petrus just yet, but she's happy and excited to have the willpower to do it, and more importantly, she did it for herself.

RVC Business Department Announces Annual Merit Award Recipients

The Rock Valley College Business Division presented its annual merit awards to outstanding students on May 19, 2023. Each year, the business faculty honor outstanding graduates in the areas of office professional, business administration, and/or accounting.

2023 Sankofa Ceremony & Celebration

Each year since 2009, RVC has conducted a Sankofa Ceremony and Celebration. This year's ceremony was held on Friday, May 12, 2023, at the Stenstrom Center for Career Education. Sankofa is not a graduation; instead, like many other similar cultural celebrations, it is considered a rite of passage, a moment when a society or community recognizes that some of its members have reached a milestone and will move on to the next steps in their journeys.

RVC Honor Society Breaks Down Stigma of Living with a Disability

Students with disabilities often face challenges academically as a result of their disability or because of the stigma surrounding disability. One honor society seeks to change that. Delta Alpha Pi International Honor Society (DAP) is one of the only collegiate honor societies for students with disabilities.

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