
2022 RVC Business Merit Awards

The Rock Valley College Business Division presented its annual merit awards to outstanding students on May 13, 2022. Each year, the business faculty honor outstanding graduates in the areas of office professional, business administration, and accounting. The 2021-2022 Business Department Merit Awards were presented to:

To be eligible for the awards, students need to have a 3.0 or greater cumulative grade point average, have a strong performance in their courses, and be graduating with an Associate's of Applied Science Degree in the discipline.  

In addition to all of that, "The students selected for these awards need to demonstrate a passion for their field of study, and a commitment to and positive attitude toward their program," explained Karen Blaski, Associate Professor of Business at Rock Valley College.

Blaski presented the Office Professional Merit Award to Lacee Campbell.

"Over the years that I have known Lacee, I've had the opportunity to see her strong desire to learn and how she challenges herself academically. She's conscientious and has really set herself apart from the average student," said Blaski. "Lacee is well-respected and is someone with whom others want to work. She has a bright future ahead of her, and I am proud to honor her with this award."

Steve Wong, RVC Business Professor, presented the Business Administration Merit Award to Maria Villafranca.

"As teachers, we can see how far a student will be able to go in the future. In my opinion, Maria is driven and inquisitive and is very good at anything she puts her mind to," said Wong. "I do not doubt that she will be successful as she progresses beyond RVC."

RVC Instructor, Jim Brun, presented the Accounting Merit Award to Juan Carlos Chacon, Jr.

"I've had the honor of teaching Juan in several classes, and one thing that I have seen continuously from him is a commitment to excellence and a dedication to his studies. He is extremely insightful. I often use his work as an example, if not a standard, for the other students," said Brun.

Rock Valley College offers numerous programs in its business division, including marketing, management, accounting, office professional, and supply chain management. Learn more at www.rockvalleycollege.edu/academics.
