Rock Valley College News

News Listing

Perseverance Key To Graduates 15 Year Journey

At Rock Valley College, students come from many different walks of life, each with their own unique educational journey. For Sam Douthat, RVC Grad ’22, perseverance was key to her success at Rock Valley College and while serving in the Army National Guard. Despite several hardships and delays, Sam was determined to succeed.

RVC Inducts 21 Athletes Into Honor Society

Rock Valley College has 21 Golden Eagles from 8 different sports into the National College Athlete Honor Society. Rock Valley College is the IL Alpha Chapter of Theta Chi Alpha, which recognizes student-athletes from two-year institutions who excel in both the classroom and competition. 

ICAPS is Only the Beginning

"Obtaining my GED and ICAPS certificate is not the culmination of a goal. It is only the beginning," said José Bañuelos.

RVC Swears In New Student Trustee

On Tuesday, May 24, 2022, Ryan Russell, a 2020 graduate of Byron High School, was sworn in as the 2022-2023 Rock Valley College Board of Trustees Student Trustee.

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