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RVC Inducts 21 Athletes Into Honor Society

Rock Valley College has 21 Golden Eagles from 8 different sports into the National College Athlete Honor Society. Rock Valley College is the IL Alpha Chapter of Theta Chi Alpha, which recognizes student-athletes from two-year institutions who excel in both the classroom and competition. 

ICAPS is Only the Beginning

"Obtaining my GED and ICAPS certificate is not the culmination of a goal. It is only the beginning," said José Bañuelos.

Congrats RVC Raise Graduates

Rock Valley College is excited to announce its second graduating class of RAISE students. RAISE stands for Raising Aspirations through an Inclusive Student Experience. The program is a post-secondary experience for young adults with intellectual disabilities who would like to participate in a comprehensive college experience.

Graduate Earns Online Degree Debt Free

According to the US News & World Report, "As the pandemic eases, many institutions are realizing that properly planned online platforms will allow them to better serve all students, including nontraditional learners."

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